Taken as His Wife Page 5
I didn’t know what to do. Adam blocked most of the shower, but I shivered, chilled and sweating at the same time. He shifted close to me, and I held onto his leg, bracing myself on his muscled thighs. His cock swung as he moved. The hard shaft pulsed, beads of heated water rolling along the veins until dripping from the bulging, sensitive head. Adam wanted sucked. My stomach rolled like the water I swallowed came straight from the ocean. I couldn’t deny him. His eyes turned dark, and every motion strained his body. Like he fought against his desire to take me and fuck me.
I couldn’t let that happen. My body needed to heal.
I once imagined learning to please Adam with my mouth. I knew men liked it, and I imagined lying him back while I leisurely explored all his delicate areas.
Not now. I opened my mouth, and Adam guided his cock between my lips. Not gently. Not with ease. His hands curled in my hair, and he slammed the shaft into my throat.
I instantly gagged and fell backwards. Adam’s grip tightened in my hair.
“Easy, princess,” he said. “Open your mouth. You need to learn to swallow my cock.”
Swallow? I couldn’t even breathe. His cock pushed past my lips once more, and I hoped this time I’d be prepared. I wasn’t so lucky. Not only was he long, Adam was thick. I remembered the circumference stretching my pussy last night, but taking him in my mouth posed an equal challenge. The head slipped into my mouth, and I fought to suppress my panic. I gripped Adam’s legs, but he didn’t pull back.
“That’s it.” Adam’s voice edged with aggression. Like he’d rather slap me across the face than offer his gentle praise. “Relax your jaw and suck on me. Sit still.”
I pinched my eyes closed. Adam worked quick, sliding my head up and down his shaft. He tested how far until I panicked and fought against his grip, but he never let me go, and I couldn’t get away. Even my sputtering coughs couldn’t sway him. Each murmur of discomfort or panic he shushed away. Adam arched his back, hissing a satisfied sigh.
“You learn so fast, Charlotte,” Adam said. “Just like a good wife. This is exactly how I want you—on your knees and sucking my cock.”
He popped the shaft from my mouth. I gasped for air, rubbing the trail of saliva from my chin left in his wake. He fisted his cock, lifting it up with one hand. With his other, he pushed me into his balls.
“Lick them,” he ordered.
His grip tightened the longer I hesitated. Adam sighed.
“A good wife knows how to please her husband,” he said. “And right there is where I keep all of my cum. You have to earn it, princess.”
But kissing there seemed so wrong. So perverted and dirty. It was like he wanted me to degrade myself for his pleasure. I never thought of sex as humiliating, but Adam seemed to like it that way. He jerked his cock faster. God, it was hard. The shaft throbbed in his hand, and his grunt echoed with frustration. It was better to do what he wanted. If I denied him, he’d never let me go.
My tongue gently rubbed the heavy sack of his balls, tracing under his shaft and teasing the twitching hardness inside. Adam’s hand tightened again in my hair. He held me close, forcing me to suck and lick and kiss all while he jerked his cock. His muscles tightened, and I gripped his legs.
“That’s it,” he whispered. “Get used to that. You’re going to suck a lot of cock. You will please me whenever I want. That’s your first priority in this marriage. Do you understand?”
I didn’t know what to say. I nodded instead. He jerked my hair back, but when I yelped, his cock forced back into my mouth. This time he didn’t let me move. Instead he kept me still, thrusting his hips against my mouth. I didn’t like that. His movements dragged too rough, and I couldn’t breathe. The steam and heat and his demands were too much. I pushed away, but the wall prevented my escape. Adam trapped me.
My whimpers excited him. His cock grew in my mouth, and his breathing lengthened hard and fast.
“Swallow it,” Adam grunted. “I’m going to show you how a good wife swallows every drop of her husband’s seed.”
I didn’t have time to protest. Adam shoved his cock as far as my throat allowed. He groaned, and a flood of cum erupted into my mouth. I could do nothing but swallow the hot and salty mess he gave me. Swallow after swallow. My stomach turned, but I fought to stay composed. This was the one normal thing about a relationship. My husband came. He was satisfied. I pleased him by doing as he wished and pleasuring him.
He praised me as I slurped over his cock. A droplet of cum spread over my lips, and I hurriedly brushed it away. I didn’t know yet if it disgusted me. His seed coated my insides last night. Now wasn’t much different. Instead of a pussy messy with cum, my tummy filled with him.
I fell back against the wall, sucking in mouthfuls of air. My lips seemed tender. Swollen from the rough use. Adam lifted me to my feet, but I didn’t speak. He kissed my forehead. Much more relaxed, though his cock had yet to soften.
“You did very well,” he said. “Not perfectly, but we’ll work on it. Still, I am very, very pleased.”
I didn’t want to speak, not while my insides trembled and my head pressurized like we stayed too long on the plane. Adam picked up a bottle of body wash and poured a droplet in his hands. Gently, so gently, he worked the lather onto my skin.
“Let’s get you cleaned up,” he said. “I made dinner reservations.”
I closed my eyes as his hands worked over my skin. This was the kindness I expected from my husband, the caresses that spread a fluttering warmth between my legs. He washed me and kissed my neck and helped me from the shower only after every ounce of tension eased from my shoulders.
I pulled a new dress from my luggage, dressing quickly as Adam readied himself in the bathroom. With a fresh shower, braided hair and a soft sundress, I felt innocent again. Clean and pure, without the worry of Adam’s expectations or the shame of my puffy lips. Not that it mattered. I was married now. If I wanted to kneel before my husband and pleasure him, that was my decision.
Even if he made it for me.
Night fell, but Adam didn’t call for our driver. Instead he led me down to the beach, to a beautiful white cabana with flickering tiki torches set in the sand. Two chaise lounge chairs faced the gentle surf, and a small table bore our candlelit dinner. Steak, lobster, and I laughed as a waiter revealed a final dish. A perfectly browned casserole of macaroni and cheese. My personal favorite. Adam knew exactly how to make me happy. The waiter offered us champagne before leaving us to our dinners and the moon-touched beach.
“Bon appetite,” Adam said.
He stretched out on the chaise, wearing only a simple dress shirt and slacks. He looked as good casual as he did naked. Actually, I preferred him casual. Dressed and in public, at least for now. Until I figured out just how he worked, I wanted multiple layers of clothing to separate us.
I sunk my fork into the macaroni and cheese, but I didn’t take the bite. Adam raised an eyebrow.
“Is it cold?”
The bite on my fork steamed. I shook my head.
“What is it?” He breathed deep, savoring the clean air from the ocean. I wished I was half as relaxed as he seemed.
“I guess...” I lowered the fork. “I guess that’s why everyone said it was silly to save myself until marriage.”
His expression shifted. He motioned for me to eat, but I couldn’t taste the food.
“And why is that?” He said. “Who told you not to wait?”
“Well...” I shrugged. “One person.”
Adam didn’t need to guess. “Mary Beth?”
“Yep.” I twirled my fork through the cheesy dish.
“Imagine that,” he said. “Mary Beth. Giving an opinion when no one asked.”
“She told me it was stupid. We needed to make sure we were compatible.”
“And how many men has she found herself compatible with?”
“She’s my best friend.”
“And she’s
a bad influence.” Adam gave me a smile. “You asked to be your Maid of Honor because you needed a friend to help you with the wedding. She’s a friend, but I’m your husband now. And I can tell you I am glad you waited.”
I looked away. “But last night—”
“Last night was amazing,” Adam said. “I never thought I could connect with someone the way I did you.”
My heart fluttered. “...Really?”
“I didn’t wait before having sex. I’m ten years old than you, and that’s one hell of a head start. But none of those girls meant anything to me. Not like it was with you.”
My cheeks warmed. “That’s nice to hear.”
“I’m not a gentle lover, but I can’t help it.” Adam’s words melted me from the inside out. “You drive me crazy. Your body, your innocence, everything about you. I can’t help myself. I had a taste of you last night, and I’m addicted.”
“I guess when you put it that way.”
“You were a complete virgin last night, and yet you pleased me more than any woman I’ve ever been with. Forget what Mary Beth said. We’re compatible. You were made for me.” He grinned. “You just need to trust me.”
“I do.”
He shrugged. “We’ll see. Eat your dinner. You must be starving.”
And I was. I inhaled my food and downed three glasses of champagne before the bubbles made me giggle. Adam watched, pouring me another glass even as I shook my head.
“I shouldn’t,” I said. “I can’t feel my toes anymore.”
“It’s our honeymoon.”
“And I’d like to remember it.”
“Come on, princess. If you get too overwhelmed, I’ll just toss you in the ocean and sober you up.”
Whether it was the exhaustion or the alcohol or just me taking a chance and forgetting my anxiety after hearing such comforting words, I kicked off my shoes and stood.
“I dare you to try.” I wobbled a bit.
“You’re such a lightweight.”
Adam smirked, pushing off the chaise to stand before me.
“So?” He said, brushing a hand against my cheek. “What if some deviant husband who can’t keep his hands to himself decided to take advantage of his poor, tipsy wife? Better sober you up before I do something terrible to you.”
“You wouldn’t.”
I squealed as Adam hauled me into his arms. Tucked against his chest, I squirmed, but he refused to let me go. No amount of struggling deterred him, and he marched right to the ocean. Within seconds the water rolled over his legs, and he tossed me into a cresting wave, dress and all.
I sputtered and hurried to my feet, but a second wave knocked me over. Adam laughed, and I slapped my arms against the warm water, splashing him with a weak spray. I yelped as he grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him, gently whacking my nose as a punishment. Then, he kissed me.
The world stopped.
I clung to Adam as my body rolled in a shiver from my head to the delicate slit between my legs. His nibbling kiss—so gentle and tender and loving—stole my breath as if I still tossed under the waves. My feet sunk into the soft sand on the seabed, but Adam’s arms held me firm. I crashed into him like the surf, and his kiss rewarded me for my devotion.
This. This was what a kiss was supposed to feel like. This was what I was supposed to feel wrapped within my new husband’s arms. Warm and safe and supported through the world crashed and foamed at our feet. My fears faded with each probing flick of his tongue against mine.
I didn’t know why I acted so foolishly with Adam. He wanted me. He loved me. His touch was demanding, but it was only his passion which overwhelmed him. Until now, I didn’t understand it.
My cheeks flushed. Before we were married, I was too shy to kiss Adam in public. Now it felt right. His hands caressed my sides, and I held onto him as our lips danced in a mesmerizing rhythm. Every muscle in my body tingled, and I wanted nothing more than to feel his hands against my bared skin.
Adam broke off the kiss, and I panted. He liked my embarrassed giggle. His hand gently cupped my chin, tipping my head back to meet his gaze.
“I want you,” he said.
I didn’t hesitate. “I want you too.”
Adam took my hand, helping me from the water. I didn’t have a towel, but my skin burned hot, and the droplets of seawater soothed the sensitive wanting. I gathered my shoes and bag, but Adam didn’t want me passing so far from his touch. We slipped back into the resort. He crashed upon me in the elevator. My back pinned against the cabin door, and he surged forward, seizing my kiss. Breathless and overwhelmed, I offered myself back. Last night wasn’t enough of a lesson. I didn’t know how to act or what to do to please him, and so I allowed Adam to take what he wished from me.
That was the right decision. Adam growled as I offered my neck for his kisses. His touches turned harder, gripping at my sides, squeezing my wrist and slamming it against the elevator cabin. My insides clenched. I knew he liked to dominate. The lessons I learned in his bed revealed it all. He wanted me to submit to him. I didn’t know what all that meant to Adam, but his touch and kiss and searing gaze riled the desire in my belly. I’d do whatever he wanted if it meant I’d surrender to the the delicious naughtiness of lust.
I wanted him so badly everything else blinded me. The elevator opened, and Adam had to pull me away from the wall. He led me back to the penthouse, pausing only to flick a light on. The balcony window stayed open, and a cool, salty breeze wove over the room. My wet dress clung to my curves, and Adam’s eyes studied every hidden reveal it offered. He wasted no time. He unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it to the floor. Then he aimed for me.
The heat of his chest raged like a roaring fire against the dampness of my dress. It didn’t stay long. Adam slipped the material from my body, and I stood naked before him again. My nipples budded tight, and, as he claimed my mouth once more, they dragged against the hardness of his chest. I collapsed into his arms. Each of my ragged breaths pushed my nipples harder against him, and the sensation rocked inside of me. I groaned, wishing I could express how perfect the teasing felt.
Adam knew. He pushed me back against the bed. I fell beneath the white veiled canopy, naked, exposed, and watching as my husband unbuckled his pants. His cock sprang free, and he kicked away the remainder of his clothes before diving over my body. I groaned as he aimed for my breasts, plucking my nipple between his lips and suckling long and hard.
I dissolved into shivers. Every pull, every brush of his teeth, elicited a quiver deep within me. His tongue may have twisted over my nipples, but the wetness between my legs responded as if his mouth found me there. Adam’s touch wasn’t gentle. He gripped my breast, grinding it within his hand as he focused on the little pink tip. I squirmed under the assault, but the flashes of pleasure overshadowed the bursts of quick pain he created with nips of his teeth.
“Look at you.” Adam pulled back from my chest, surveying my body. “So beautiful. What do you want, princess?”
I swallowed. He sat between my legs, and my slit exposed to him. I braved a glance down, but I couldn’t bring myself to ask.
“Do you want me to taste you?”
I nodded.
“Do you want me to taste how badly you want to get fucked?”
My cheeks burned, but I nodded.
Adam shifted, pushing my legs farther apart. He stared at my slit, using a stiff finger to pull aside my folds so he could see my entrance.
“You’re so wet,” he said. “Do you know how wet you are?”
His finger slid over my clit. Only once. He showed me the wetness just before tasting it.
“You are ready for me,” he said. “Just like a good wife.”
I loved the praise almost as much as I loved seeing him lower between my legs. I closed my eyes as his tongue sought out my little secrets. He licked twice over my clit, savoring my unintentional shivers. Each lap of his tongue burst within my spine, shattering any control I had over my body. Adam slu
rped against my wetness, deliberately making the noises to prove just how aroused I was. Though the sound mortified me, I arched against his mouth. This was what a husband was supposed to do. I didn’t savor it yesterday. When he kissed between my legs last night, I turned frightened and nervous. But now, I never wanted the heat from his mouth to part from my clit.
He dove lower, his tongue stiff against my tiny entrance. He pushed it in.
I yelped.
Even the softness of his tongue irritated my insides. I filched, and Adam looked up at me.
“Something wrong?” He asked.
His tongue sunk back inside me. The shock wasn’t as strong, but my body twisted against him. For as good as his tongue felt, my insides protested too much. Whatever happened last night hadn’t yet healed. I bit my lip.
“It hurts a little,” I said.
“Just my tongue?”
He sat back up, his hand petting over my breasts and tummy.
“Poor thing. You’re still sore from my cock. Did I fuck you too hard last night?”
I didn’t want to answer that, not while Adam’s cock flexed between his legs, growing harder the longer he stared at my body. His hands returned to my slit, and though I shifted, his index finger found my entrance. He pushed inside, and I grimaced. My body swelled against his finger and resisted the intrusion. He pushed harder. It didn’t feel good.
“You need stretched,” Adam said. “Your pussy hasn’t been used enough.”
I didn’t think it healed enough. I twitched against his finger, gasping as he dragged it against my sensitive insides and hit a blindingly sensitive spot deep, deep inside me.
“I know how to open you up.” He laughed as I shuddered. His finger slowly pulled out of me. He showed me the coating of juices I left on his skin. “You’re ready for me, princess.”
My stomach twisted. I knew I was wet, but my pussy pulsed where he touched. The entrance warmed, sore and raw. I wanted him, but I didn’t want to hurt.
I just had no idea how to tell him. Not when he grabbed my hips and twisted me. I flopped onto my stomach before I realized what he planned. I rose to my hands and knees, and my shivers turned to bone grinding tremors.